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Are you looking for Tyre Labelling for your vehicle?
Tyre labelling is essential for car owners looking to purchase a new set of tyres for their vehicles. The three main parameters of a tyre are wet grip, external noise, and rolling resistance. All the parameters play a vital role in providing improved performance and safety while driving.
Inter Car & Van LTD offers an assortment of high-quality and Cheap tyres Northampton. All the tyres at our facility have appropriate tyre labelling on them for a quick and easy selection. Also, our in-house team can help you find the perfect tyre for your vehicle.
Different Criteria Mentioned In Tyres Northampton Labelling
We provide a range of expensive and Cheap tyres Northampton. All the new tyres come with labels with the following symbols.
Rolling resistance
Rolling resistance is a significant parameter to consider while purchasing a new set of Tyres Northampton. Moreover, the Rolling resistance directly affects fuel consumption while driving. Also, it is dependent on the structure, design and level of air pressure present in the tyre. Top manufacturing companies aim to reduce the rolling resistance of a tyre without risking your safety. A perfectly inflated and low rolling resistance tyre can save up to 10% in fuel costs. Furthermore, the Rolling resistance of a tyre is classified into different classes ranging from A to E. A is the most efficient and, E is the least efficient tyre.
Wet Grip
Wet grip labelling is an essential criterion to consider while buying a tyre. It states the braking ability of a tyre in wet road conditions. A tyre with an excellent wet grip label can reduce the risk of skidding and offers improved handling. The wet grip label is categorised into different classes ranging from A to E. A indicates the shortest braking distance, and E refers to the longest braking distance.
External Noise
This label on a tyre symbolises the amount of noise created by a tyre when driving. The noise generated from a tyre is measured in decibels (dB) and ranges between the letters A to G. A refers to a low level of noise whereas G indicates the highest levels of noise created.
For cheap tyres Northampton drive down to our facility today at Unit 1, Letts Road, Northampton, NN4 8HQ.
Feel free to call us on 01604700300 if you have any queries or email